
jueves, agosto 12, 2004

Acá hubo vanguardia 

Aquí algo que estoy segura no logrará interesar a más del 1% de mis lectores. Se trata de una Composition que tuve que hacer hace poco para Inglés, tema libre, la única consigna era continuar la oración en cursiva. Los profesores nunca entendieron una goma de arte!

It was just after midday when we realized we were lost. Sarah, my little sister, began to cry, and I told Tom that I knew a hotel where we could have lunch. We had been walking for three days, searching for a red tiger that an old hunter told us we could find there, in Mayor Valley. We needed to find it because it was about to disappear, and we wanted it to reproduce. But there was a lot of danger in that valley, so we were very afraid of being alone. We decided to go to the hotel I mentioned before. When we arrived, we asked a man who was living there where we could find food, and he showed a door at the end of the corridor. We opened it, and we saw that the receptionist was a red tiger. He told us that he had built that hotel to give a job to all his red tiger friends, because they were dying. We were very happy, because they were safe. After having lunch with him, we phoned our mother and two hours later she was in the hotel. Before returning, we asked her if we could take a little red tiger with us. She was very happy with the idea. We called it Rob.

Nota de la profesora: 6. See me please. Do you really think that tigers can work in hotels? This has no sense!

En fin..

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